
Sunday 13 February 2011

Welcome to Wood Green

In October 2010 I moved to London, into Wood Green Halls of Residence. I was a bit of an emotional wreck the whole day. We drove six hours from home, me, mum and dad to unpack when I got there, and the car was jam packed, my guitar was swinging into my head every thirty seconds. When we actually got there I had to pretend it looked better than I thought it would, as my mum was on the verge of a breakdown looking at where I was going to live for the next year. The black bricks on the top look like it had little bit of a burning-down sesh, and the area wasn’t exactly woody or greeny. When we got inside the security guard (Gamu) gave me a million keys and said my room number. I especially liked the prison-style hallways. 

My room made me die a little bit inside, although the yellow non-plastered brick walls were nice and clashy with the bright green door. Which had a hole in it. And the the curtains (oh the curtains) had a nice red-yellow-green pattern. I checked out the bathroom which was great, we had two virtually see-through showers and one toilet. Between twelve of us. The kitchen was pretty special too, although not big enough for a table, hence the last few months eating on the floor in the hallway. As we were hauling up all my things, I met Kim who lives opposite and from that day onwards have enjoyed seeing that gorgeously massive amount of hair every morning when I open my door. 
We went to see my brother when we were unpacked and had dinner at his flat, and then my parents dropped me off at the tube station in Harrow and me and my mum had a movie type of goodbye. I went to Ben’s from there, so I wouldn’t feel all depressed and went back to halls in the morning.

So that was my first day in Wood Green. It’s really not that bad anymore, now that I’m used to it. In fact, I quite like the fact that I’m living a proper student lifestyle in crappy halls rather than practically living in a hotel (like my brother Richard’s halls). 

And we’re pretty proud of being described as the “Worst corridor EVER”, due to paint, talcum powder and fake blood exploding over the bathroom every once in a while.

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