
Wednesday 23 February 2011

Chilling with the jellyfish

A few years ago we were in Port Douglas in Australia and the time of the year meant people were meant to be extra careful swimming in the sea, only swimming in the parts which were netted off. This was because of these jellyfish which were smaller than the size of the nail on your little finger.

The signs around the place said not to even dip your feet in the sea because they could kill or seriously injure you, but considering they were so ridiculously small and I thought it was so unlikely that I would get stung,  and figured I was pretty safe. Besides, the signs about alligators freaked me out way more. And to be honest, I have a feeling I'm pretty lucky in general when it comes to dangerous things happening...

So me and mum (wild cards us...) needed cooling off as it was so boiling and so went into the water. My dad and the boys were freaking out shouting at us to get out and we just laughed at them.

Later that day as we were walking back up to the beach, there was everyone crowding around some woman on the floor, and some guy in a full body suit was carrying around a jar of water. The woman had to get taken to A&E and stayed in hospital for days as she had got stung when she was inside the netting.

I'd love to say I was wrong to go in, but really its just maintained the fact that I'm lucky.

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