
Saturday 19 February 2011

New York Naughties.

Me and my family went to New York in the summer of 2010, and it ended up a being quite a cringefest. But a funny cringefest.

In Times Square we noticed a naked man with a guitar and a cowboy hat wondering around taking pictures with people, called the Naked Cowboy. Richard, my environmentalist, hippy, rather camp homosexualist brother, got  all excited straight away, but it was my mum who suddenly turned into a flirtatious teenager. Me and her grabbed him for a photo (he was proper sweaty) and my mum was giggling away, he was loving it.

Madame Tussauds in New York is amazing, but if anyones ever met any members of my family, they'll know we were hardly going to go in there and just have nice smiley pictures. We have some pretty awkward photos of John feeling up Marilyn Monroe, trying to escape the Pope from touching him up, looking up various waxworks skirts and licking Barack Obama. My mum has a photo slapping Bill Clinton who has his hand positioned on her boobs, Richard spent quite a while camping it up with Elton John, and then almost pushing Angelina Jolie out of the way to get to Brad Pitt. Mike went for a more sick route by staring at an underage Miley Cyrus like a perv, and the rest are apparently too inappropriate to write down.

On the way back, New Yorkers aren't mad for being so nice as they are when you first get there. They've got your money, and now they want you out... one of the guards working there was being a right dick, shouting at everyone and trying to make us queue up millimeters away from each other so my mum said a few choice words to him, and he said "Raaaiight maam, will you come this way with me?" Everyone was looking now, so my mum laughed proper loud in his face and said "What are you gonna do - arrest me?" He didn't enjoy that all, but the rest of the British tourists did, who gave her a clap for making him look a knob. I was actually concerned they were going to arrest her, but in the end we just got to go through quicker than everyone else for making a scene.