
Sunday 20 February 2011

Connie and Maisie.

I've got two collies called Connie and Maisie. They're totally gorgeous. Well Connie is, Maisie's pretty ugly to be honest. But she's cute and tries to talk like a human, so I love her.

When Connie was a puppy she was a right little bugger, once when everyone was out she managed to open the kitchen door and the lounge door and chew up a book and try to eat one of my mum's Lilli Put Lane houses. We had to put locks on the all the kitchen doors after that.

Maisie brought the whole bad dog thing to a new level. We got her when Connie was 18 months and she's a right little ledge! But one morning when me and my mum came downstairs we nearly had a heart attack. She'd somehow worked out how to open the top drawers in the kitchen and had eaten everything in it. She'd always eaten weird things. Especially spiders. And rocks. But this time she'd taken the plastic wrapper off an ink cartridge, and actually ate all of the ink. And an entire packet of blue tac, eaten some shoe cleaner and spread the rest of it over the floor, batteries, three packets of tissues and several pairs of sunglasses.

And she seemed to have enjoyed it.

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