
Wednesday 30 March 2011

Canyon Swing

Before we moved to New Zealand, we had a couple of months touring the country in a camper van. My favourite memory of that whole tour was the Canyon Swing in Queenstown.

The Canyon Swing was essentially a bungee jump, but you wore a harness at your waist rather than at your feet. Its the highest cliff jump in the world, falling 109m, looking down at a river and rocks. It was so weird because I thought I would be the type of person to not be scared of something like that, but as I stood at the top begging the two guys controlling it to check the ropes so I didn't fall to my death, I was absolutely terrified. The first jump was simply me running off the cliff. But that was nothing compared to the second.

I was hung upside down over the cliff, my head pointing at the ground, and they said to put my arm up when I was ready for them to drop me. I can't remember whether I did or not, even at the time I wasn't positive, but I'm pretty sure they just dropped me anyway. I didn't breathe for so long in that jump. Even thinking about it now makes my stomach go mental. But it was totally one of the coolest things I've ever done.

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