
Monday 14 March 2011

Mt Troodos

I can't remember how old I was, or where we were living at the time when we went to Cyprus. In fact theres not much I really do remember about that holiday other than my mum getting electrocuted whilst making the fridge work, spending quite a few nights in the Red Rum (I think was its name..?) Restaurant (where they thought cheese pizza meant literally cheese on a pizza base, no tomato puree or anything - clearly the worst moment of my life, or why on earth else would I remember that) and Mt Troodos.

We drove up pretty much to the top of this mountain, and had a wander and a snowball fight because there was just snow everywhere up there. I must have been relatively young, because I know my little brother John made me cry by throwing a snowball in my face and while I writhed around on the floor, continued to so for quite a while. But its chilled, cause after that his hands and feet turned all blue because he had some kind of circulation problem or something at the time. So ha!

On the way down, as luck would have it, the sky started going mental and a storm was going full blow. I remember seeing the lightening going right close to our car, and my mum was panicking as my dad was trying to dodge the ice that was all down the road. It was dark by this time too, which only added to the lovely journey down. We could see car sliding out of control down the ice next to us.

When we eventually got to the bottom, pretty relieved, we went to the Red Rum Restaurant where they actually got my cheese pizza right. By that time, with the best thing of my life in front of me waiting to be demolished,  I'd forgotten all about skidding down the mountain dodging lightening.


  1. Mt Troodos is actually one of my favourite memories. It was wicked cool.

  2. this randomly caught my attention... nice story haha :) x

  3. who am I.... cos im mint. and that was a good holiday. i was young and not as amazing

    by the one and only Jfizzle

  4. jfizzle on this to please!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Mt Troudos was brill best snowball fight ever and the biggest snowman but a very scary drive home and the red rum food was delicious mmmm gorg.

  6. We were living in Gloucester, I think, you were 9 or 10. It was the year before Saudi.
