
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Stephen Hawkings II

Last summer, we went to the waterfalls somewhere up North where we lived (think it was High Force maybe? Irrelevant anyway). Just as we had started walking towards it I saw a little rabbit lying on the ground in the middle of a big grassy patch. I think its legs were broken or something cause it could only move in a circle and I was pretty sure I had to be a hero and take it home with us or it would be eaten by something.

We'd only just set off though, so for the rest of the walk I wrapped it in my jacket and carried it with me. And FULL ON bonded with it, it was my favourite pet ever (minus ugly Maisie and hottie Connie). Like no kidding, I was talking to it and telling it I would get it to a vets and everything would be fine.

Except it wasn't. Because we sat down to have lunch at the top of the waterfall and everyone was getting grossed out having a crippled rabbit (aptly named Stephen Hawkings The Second by my brother) staring at them eating. So I laid it down behind us on a rock to eat my sandwich.

When I turned around little Stevie Hawks had disappeared. I was getting really happy there had been a miracle and he had been cured and bounded off into the distance...when I saw a hole in the ground.

My rabbit had rolled down the hole. I tried to reach him and save him AND I COULD FEEL HIM but couldn't grab him. In the end he rolled down further into the hole.

Worst day of my life. I actually cried.


  1. so essentially, prior to meeting you he was surviving, even if he was slightly hurt. but after meeting you he ended up stuck in a hole in the ground? you made his life worse really
