
Sunday 11 March 2012

Wig on a Tree

Last year I cut my hair really short and I really loved it. But anyone who has known me for more than five minutes knows that I cannot stand having the same hair style for more than a few weeks which makes things a bit awkward when your hair is a few inches long... I thought about extensions, but my hair was too short, I considered  keeping it short (but it had already been months) or patiently growing it out. In the end I went into a shop in Middlesbrough that claimed to have every option for your hair. Naturally, I was weeing myself with excitement.

So, as the short orc-ish looking lady sat me down and whipped out a long head of hair and put it on my head I could not resist. I hadn't had hair that long since I was about eight. My mother sighed as I pranced out of the shop with a wig in my bag.

But all was not perfect. After a few weeks of enjoying having both long and short hair instantly, I went to Covent Garden to go holiday shopping with my boyfriend. I was specifically looking for bikinis, and they definitely look better with long hair... so especially with my boy short hair and three tattoos on show, I could have done with looking  more straight. MISTAKE.

I left the shop. I walked too close to a tree with low hanging branches. The wig got caught on the branch in the middle of Covent Garden. It was literally HANGING on a tree. My boyfriend stood and laughed, giving no attempt to help me. The most humiliating moment ever. There was so many people.

Needless to say, I now wear extensions and avoid trees and bushes at all cost.