
Sunday 30 January 2011

My (second) marriage

My first marriage was in the playground to a little ginger boy called George. He used to chase my brother around the playground, but it was all good, we were pretty on-off anyway. I don't think we even had a wedding to be honest, I think it was just a mutual agreement. So yeah, thats why i'm writing about the second marriage, about four years or so later, when I was in year 5, to Jack who was about half my height. And no shit, the entire school watched our wedding. It was quite an event.... We actually had bridesmaids and a priest (well, some boy in my class) and rings. Made of tinfoil and highlighters. The crowd of school kids made a little aisle and everything, I felt pretty cool. It was in the playground again, but this time was totally more serious than the fling marriage with George. Our marriage lasted at least half a school year, until I moved away and Jack forgot all about me and went out with one of my friends (what a slut). But whatever, I always fancied the boy in the year above anyway who played guitar and used to tease me on the swingy ropes.

Anyway, heres to hoping my boyfriend Ben's planning a wedding that will top off the last one.. it will definitely be a challenge.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha! loved this... though, a little bit crazy talking about your third wedding dont you think? poor Ben must be petrified :P! xxx
